Although I can hardly believe it myself, I’m writing a book. As a mother who was not prepared for the challenges of the traditional postpartum experience in the US healthcare and employment system, I have made it my life’s work to guide families through this delicate time. Working with families from all backgrounds has shown me that, while we all experience the same event of childbirth, none of us share exactly the same experience. Birth shapes us in ways we could never have imagined and none of us is left unchanged. This book is a product of my own dream of protecting the sacred story of motherhood. By sharing our stories, we empower others and find ourselves.
That’s where you come in. I’m looking for a handful of mothers who are willing to tell their story. I want to hear about how your life has been changed and shaped since becoming a mother. Let’s change the narrative of the postpartum experience and the way we prepare and nurture new mothers. By normalizing the not-so-perfect parts of motherhood, may we all begin to understand that we are not alone.